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Top issues (and solutions)

The citizens of Blaine County deserve powerful yet easily accessible ways of understanding the County’s finances—past, present, and future. I will leverage the latest innovations in financial software to give you the whole picture, from your own computer—from a bird's eye view, down to the penny.

Responsible Stewardship of Your Tax Dollars

You work hard for your money, and you deserve a government that stretches every dollar as far as it can go. I will constantly look for ways to do more with less, while seeking to make smart investments that save money in the long run. 

Securing Blaine’s Future

The County budget must meet the needs of the present, while preparing for the future. I will ensure that annual budgets are prudent, but forward-looking—able to withstand adversity, so you will never need to worry if the services you rely on will be there when you really need them.

Protecting Your Vote

Every citizen has the right to elections that are safe, secure, accurate, and free. As your County Clerk, I will invest in safeguards against cyberattacks and other outside threats, while instituting internal policies that meet the most rigorous standards for election integrity.

A Better Community Partner

Great things can happen when trusted community partners come together to solve local problems. By leveraging my experience and proven success bringing in new grant dollars and federal funding for Blaine and local nonprofits, I will ensure that our community service organizations get the support they need, and that the County is always an engaged partner.

Increasing Access and Inclusivity

County government services should be available to all those who live and work in our community and who contribute to making the Wood River Valley thrive. By prioritizing hiring staff with Spanish language skills, I will make sure that all Blaine County’s residents feel welcome and well-served when they step through our doors.

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